Monday, October 27, 2008

Lots of Fun

So Robbie and I have been really busy. To start off Robbie killed an Elk so now we'll have some great steaks and jerky. Next we went on an anniversary trip to vegas, to bad everytime we went out I forgot my camera. We did get to see Adam and Valerie and our cute Little Peyti. She loved Robbie and would only call him Uncle Robbie. It was so cute. To end things off we went to a Halloween party with some friends. I was madonna and Rob was a Very Sexy Lunchlady! I know my outfit rocks, and its all compliments to Aunt Kelly. She made the bra and the jacket. We've had lots of fun lately. Hope we'll have more real soon.


KAT said...

Oh geez Lizzy..your costumes ROCK!! I can't stop laughing at Robbies...I'm sure glad I didn't have any lunch ladies like that!!j/k!! And you made a Fabulous Madonna!!! Luv ya guys

Hailey Smoot Kandell said...

I love the dress ups~

michael. mindy. dane. said...

I'm glad Vegas was fun, i want to hear all about it! and we need to plan a time to all go down together! I LOVE your Halloween costumes. haha. looks like it was fun!

michele said...

Madonna! Nice! Hey, Kelly, I did not know you still had the bustier. How did you end up with it? Didn't Karen make it for somebody not in the fam? I love it!

Liz said...

my mom had it. It was an awesome outfit and I had fun

Rachel Johnson said...

Aahh the rhinestone bustier! I love it! And Robbie's costume was so awesome. I didn't like the pic of the dead elk though! Yuck!! xo

Kim and Carrie Atkinson said...

I cant stop laughing at your costumes! They are hilarious! Just stopping in to say hi & see what you’ve been up to..
Robbie... geesh, you could have at least let him grow another year.. Poor little guy! I want some jerky!!
See you soon, Carrie

suzan said...

I can't help but feel bad for the poor little Elky, but he sure will taste good :)
I agreee that Robbie made a very hot lunchlady! And you made Madonna look even hotter! How fun.

Totally Hess said...

You guys are looking good - but where is Chandler's Halloween shot?

And next time come Cali for some fun!

Michele - my mom had the bustier because she bought it from Kelly when whoever she made if for flaked and didn't buy it. I think it was a friend of my mom's so she felt guilty about Kelly getting jilted.

My three sons said...

oh sure! how dare you go to vegas without me! i think im gonna cry! jk, good to see you guys are doing so well and channy is growing up so fast!! your new paint in the house looks way cute...maybe its time for a friends dinner in kamas?? well, we love you guys and hope to see you soon!


That is HILARIOUS! What was Chandler? I need to blog, I am a slacker! It was great seeing you!

Joyce said...

I haven't seen that jacket you wore in forever! It is so hot!

Unknown said...

Your family is so cute! I love the halloween costumes.