Ok I know it's been forever since I've posted anything. But we have been really busy. Chandler is a sports man. He is doing amazing in every sport he plays. Now baseball is a no brainer for him, it just come natural to him. He gets that from his Uncles.

This year he attempted soccer, and did very well. He even got into doing headers toward the goal. Crazy kid can do it all.

Next we add a new addition to the family, Mia and she is so sweet. Vander loves having a buddy around all the time.

We went on a Seamons family trip. And it was awesome. Everyone was there, grandkids and all. We all went to St. George to watch my brother in law and father do the Ironman. Let me tell you it was so much fun. We can't wait for our next little reunion.

Back to the sports, Chan also started wrestling. Robbie is his Coach and they have so much fun doing that together. We went every weekend to a tournament for the whole winter. Chan got first place a couple times, and now has a metals board that is covered in metals. I'm so proud of him for all his accomplishments.

And the most important thing that happened this year is Robbie got to adopt Chandler. It was the best day of my life, next to having Chandler and marrying Robbie. Chandler was so excited to change his name to Chandler Atkinson. I was so glad our families could share in that day with us. It was really a neat experience.

The two happy boys after court. Rob I love you for all you do for us and for being the best dad I could ever imagine for Chandler. You truely are the best. I love you two boys.
Everyone else I really will try to be a better poster, I mean I finally have a good camera so no more excuses.